Turnbull’s insecure work crisis continues

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The crisis of insecure continues to deepen under the Turnbull Government with ABS statistics out today showing that underemployment continues to rise.

Less than half of employed Australians now hold a permanent full-time paid job with leave entitlements.

There has been significant growth in insecure work over the last five years: including part-time work, short hours, underemployment, casual jobs, sham contracting, labour hire and in the gig economy.

This failure of the Government to deliver on its central promise of ‘jobs and growth’ was underlined in a report released by the ACTU today ‘The Coalition’s True Job’s Legacy’ (attached to this release), which also highlights that half of all jobs created by the Turnbull Government have been through work visas, according to the Department of Home Affairs in senate estimates. 

Quotes attributable to ACTU Secretary Sally McManus:

“The Turnbull Government isn’t even talking about the crisis in insecure work which has come about on its watch. It is completely out of touch with Australian workers who are finding it harder than ever to find good, steady jobs.

“Underemployment is approaching crisis levels, youth unemployment has been in crisis for the entire term of this government, largely due to its disastrous cuts to skills training and unfettered use of work visas.

“We need good, steady jobs, not insecure jobs or work visas, which seems to be all this government has any interest in creating. Jobs that benefit Australian workers, not multinational companies.

“The Turnbull Government set itself the lowest possible bar for success – jobs and growth – but has produced neither, and has watched on as crises have emerged in insecure work, underemployment, youth unemployment, exploitation of people on working visas, wage theft and theft of superannuation.”

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